December 21, 1918
Excerpts from the diary of Green Howards soldier, Stanley Harrison, spanning Armistice day 1918 to the first peacetime Christmas for four years.
Sunday Dec. 21st Inspection of clothes – nil, but all my labour in vain. Tables, canteen etc. all had to be demolished owing to fact of moving down to Company HQ. “Wind up” all afternoon, but managed to evade it owing to being an amateur joiner. Left Marine Barracks at 5 o’clock in full MO. Majority of fellows could hardly keep on their feet owing to ice and snow. Glassy. After a trying and tiring march through the snow we landed safely at our new hut. Only six bumps. Quartered in bunks of two. Nicer than the last billet but we shall rue moving as regards food etc. Prospect of being fairly comfy in a day or so. Working with canteen tomorrow. Cakes, puffs, stout etc. ready for the troops Xmas “do” Mail in OFFICIAL. Intended writing two letters but moving put tin hat on it.