Evacuation and Home Front in WW2

  • What was it like to be an evacuee from Gateshead arriving at rural Richmond Station?
  • How did people manage through the war years with rationing, air raid precautions and restrictions?

This exciting, practical and interactive session takes place at your school and allows students to handle original museum artefacts relating to evacuation and the British Home Front during World War Two.

This session can be delivered at your school or as part of a visit to Richmond.

This session is suitable for KS2 students.


approximately 1 hour.


£65.00 +VAT (in-school) £60 + VAT (half day visit) £110 (full day)

Session Aims


  • To inspire and engage students, consolidating their knowledge by handling and discussing a selection of original World War Two artefacts relating to the British Home Front.

Learning Objectives:

  • All pupils will increase their knowledge and understanding of the British Home Front during World War Two, particularly in relation to food and rationing, evacuation and air raid precautions.
  • All pupils will begin to develop their historical enquiry skills by analysing historical artefacts.
  • Most students will be able to explain what it might have felt like to be alive in Britain during the Second World War.

Curriculum links


  • KS 1: Changes within living memory
  • KS 2 and 3: A Local History Study
  • KS 2: A study of an aspect or theme from British History that extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.
  • KS 3: Challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world, 1901 to the present day.