Ribbon Roundup

Thank you to everybody who supported our Ribbon of Remembrance project.

We started back in February, wondering if anyone would actually get involved.

Fast forward to Remembrance Weekend 2018 and the town was full of people, pausing to read the profile boards or walking the Ribbon route between Catterick Garrison and Richmond (and vice versa).

We had 150 people on our group walks, with many, many more walking all or part of it under their own steam. Local businesses embraced the concept, displaying boards either with a personal connection, or with links to their premises a century ago.

We held an exhibition at The Station, and residents of Frenchgate, the road which leads up to the regimental war memorial, enthusiastically welcomed a knock on the door and a request to display profiles in, or on, their homes.

We couldn’t have imagined the goodwill felt towards this community commemoration, which started off online, and ended up with 250 ‘real life’ profile boards physically linking two communities, and involving not one single piece of actual ribbon!

Funding from the Armed Forces Community Covenant helped make this project a reality.

Collecting your board

If you contributed to the project and had a profile board created, and would like to keep it, please take down your board either today or tomorrow (Tuesday or Wednesday).

We will be removing remaining boards on Thursday and Friday, so if there is one you would like to collect, please visit us on Saturday (17th November) or Monday (19th November) and collect it.

We will reuse any leftover boards within the museum as we can print new information on them and use them in our displays and future exhibitions.  Don’t forget, the online version of the Ribbon of Remembrance will remain here, online.

Get involved

We’ve been really touched by the lovely comments we’ve received about the project, and thanks to everyone who has dropped in to the museum to tell us how they felt about it all.

We received funding from The Armed Forces Community Covenant to help us run the project, and we’re currently compiling a report to let them know how it all went.

If you’d like to let us know your thoughts about the Ribbon of Remembrance, please do get in touch.

Similarly, if you have been inspired by researching your Ribbon person, or reading the research that others have done, why not consider volunteering to do some research for us at the museum?

We have two major projects coming up and would love some help.  Again, please just get in touch if you’d like to find out more.