Pursuing Pleasure

The weird and wonderful entertainments of the Georgian age are being brought vividly to life at the museum.

Following a successful exhibition in York last year, Fairfax House Director, Hannah Phillip, will discuss the often peculiar predilections of 18th century.

“The refinements of dance, music and theatre contrast sharply with a taste for blood, brutality and general bawdiness, explains Hannah.

“From exotica to erotica, opera to sport, prostitution, public hangings and bare knuckle prize fighting, there was something on offer, and often for sale, to suit all classes and tastes.

It was a period of time when it really does seem that literally nothing was off limits.”

It would be a mistake however to think that such entertainments were limited just to London metropolitan society and burgeoning regional cities like York. In thriving towns such as Richmond the population had access to the delights of the theatre, the races and without doubt other less salubrious but highly enjoyable activities.

The illustrated talk is just one of the events forming GeorgeFest 17, Richmond’s celebration of its Georgian heritage taking place in the town between the 12th and 26th of August.

“At Fairfax House our aim is to uncover the urban world of Georgian city-living; in all its varied forms,” adds Hannah.

“GeorgeFest is a major achievement in helping to shine a light on the Georgian past, and I am delighted to be a part of this year’s events programme.”

In Pursuit of Pleasure is on Thursday 24 August from 7pm. Tickets £4 – available from the museum, and on 01748 826561.