Oldfield letter: 7.9.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

c/o W.A. OLDFIELD. ESQ. J.P.                   OLDFIELD. J.B. CAPT
SANDSEND, NR. WHITBY                        CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO P.G.35 P.M.3400

Letter No. 14.                                             7. Sept. 42

My dearest Mum, daddy and Jumbo, thank you so much for more letters, and through you everyone else who has written – here a special word for Jumbo who has shown such discrimination in sending addresses envelopes to the “right” people, Capital show. I have heard from Alex, K, Margaret Tinley, Alison, Anne, Jean Standish and last by no means least my sister Mary. Please explain to them all how simply grand it is for get their letters, but this letter and a P.C. are my sum total of out correspondence for a week, so it must seem v. one-sided. I hope you will understand if occasionally I send a letter somewhere, but on these occasions will send you the P.C. – for what it’s worth. So v. glad to have such good news from you all – M. doing so well in her course, regular news of Richard and Derry, the Bun’s teeth, Haymaking, Mrs Badger – bless her, all the horseflesh and of course yourselves. Also the excellent news of Tobacco and Cigs, that my necessary togs are on the way, Clevely’s parcel. Thank you so v. much. Please don’t forget to send photo’s of you all and P.C. of Thordisa – also Jum, could you let Anne know (without making her blush) I did NOT get her photo’s and wd. Like some. Please thank Barton for letters of good news – writing. Letters are the biggest event of any day so don’t be afraid now of writing too much. Love Johnnie