A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.
Capt JB Oldfield
‘’C’’ Company
5th Bn. The Green Howards
My dear Mum and Daddy,
As you will know from the airgraph I am posting with this. I am now living with a family and attending hospital for treatment every few days, and enjoying the holiday. The people I am staying with are the de Rougemouts, he is late Governor of the National Bank of Egypt and was succeeded by Nixon, whose eldest son is Junior Subaltern. The deRs are simply charming and I think it awfully kind of them to ask me out of hospital to stay here- it makes a great difference to me.
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Yesterday I was Racing at the Sporting Club and also to-day again, and to-day was up on the Tote. The Racing was much better than I had been led to expect, same hard riding and good finishes on these small arabs. The Course is a good one to see over and being a Service Member of the Club did myself proud and had reserved seats and no end of a Bandobast. I met Colonel Bush in the Paddock down from the Bn. for a spot of leave and in good heart. I am having dinner with him to-morrow night at his club. He likes me- four days after I was wounded the Company did a show- really good and Ribbed a lot of Germans and he seemed delighted with them. I am sick at missing it and disappointed not to have been in it with them, it was just the Company alone and from what he says- they
laid in hammer and tongs.
Brain Rhodes who came up to command them (as I wasn’t there) is wounded and missing I’m sorry to say. However they have all been ‘’blooded’’ and liked it and their heart was good.
I met Joyce Puckin, George’s sister in the town the other day- a wren officer and I went back with her for tea and met another wren who knows Mary and Richard well, and several N.Os. We then all went on to a Housewarming party. It is nice knowing someone and I now know quite a few here and there, and shall get some tennis when my pins allow. No more for now, Hope all is well with you,
My best love & Godbless
New Whitby