Oldfield letter: 7.12.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

SANDSEND                                                                               OLDFIELD J.B. CAPT
Letter No. 25.                                                                            7. Dec. 42

My dearest Mum, Daddy & Jumbo – the latest letter I have had from you was written on 29. Oct. 42 acknowledging my P.C. of 28 Sept – hope by now you may have had all the letters I’ve written. I will get my summary of various “wants” off my chest – 2 pipes – O.R. Tobacco Pouch – Corduroys – Relief Fountain Pen – Waistcoat – coloured stocks and hankies. Paints wh. I should be v. grateful for, can be sent through and by Windsor & Newtons – they send a special P.O.W. set, which saves room in a Next of Kin Parcel. No parcels yet of any kind but am hoping for some v. soon as I know they’re on their way. By the way re. letters form yr. end – one letter per person per week is the form and v. welcome they are too. I sent you a greetings cable through the Vatican that I hope may reach you by Christmas – and I also hope to be able to send you one or two photographs soon, incidentally, don’t forget to send me all the photographs you can. I wonder if you can send me a records parcel with some Carroll Gibbons as there are plenty of gramophones but not so many records. Hope badger and her family are well. I am getting plenty – quite plenty – of practice on my violin ! I am fit and well, and am more than pleased to have such good news of all the family – inc. the Bun. Godbless all love to you, Johnnie