Oldfield letter: 6.9.41

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

1991-37-7-4-15 “C” Company
No. 14 5th Btn, The Green Howards
In the field. Middle East Force
Mrs V.E.Oldfield
Nr. Whitby
Sept. 6.41

My dear mum and Daddy,
Just a line to you before I go to bed to let you know that I’m feeling very fit and in great heart. Still in the same place and finding it very pleasant from most points of view. Have fished quite a lot without success and find ‘em much more wily than in the bay at home. My early morning attempts to get a goose have not as yet proved successful either, and though I’ve seen quite a few they have never been in shot. To-day being Saturday, and, a half-day I went into town
2, and had a game of tennis with David Huggett at the English club – on a concrete court. a most gruelling game – the ball moves very fast – and I was beat 8-6, 6,0, 2-6; great fun. Last night I treated myself to a visit to the local flicks about 100% worse than the waterloo and saw “The Mad Miss Manton” and a 6 months old news reel – but enjoyed it immensely. To morrow I have arranged – or hope I have – to get a ride but it is still a bit indefinite. I haven’t yet managed to wrangle one and it is one of the things I miss the most.
The weather here is much cooler than it was and it is feeling darker earlier in the evenings now. We shall soon be wearing thicker clothes I expect.
3, From all this you can gather I might be in many worse spots and really cannot grumble. Do keep writing often, yr. letters are the best things we can hope for, and they’ve been delayed a bit lately, tho’ I know when they do arrive, ther’ll be lots. Jimmy Buttherworth is here and I often see him. Just the same – like an overgrown baby, but I can’t persuade him to wobble his eyes. I wonder if I even told you my C.S.M comes from Malton, (Imust have done) – Tubby Taylor, son of a big grocers from there. He is a great chap and good fun. Well dears, I will write that letter to enclose the snaps soon but don’t have much time. Godbless and my love to all the family,
Yours ever
Johnnie xxx
