Oldfield letter: 5.10.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.


Letter No. 18 – Oct. 5. 42

Darling Mum, Daddy and Jumbun, Your letters are coming though well, the latest dated 10 Sept, the best taking about 3 weeks – I only wish you were getting mine as well, as this as you all see is No. 18, of which only 3 have been P.Cs. Please thank as well as yourselves, Alison and Anne for letters – I am writing next week’s letter to Anne and the P.C. to you. Very please to hear parcels are now on the way – am hoping the Tobacco parcels may arrive the end of Oct. and will be very welcome, Not all arrive and very irregular unless lucky. In my next parcel please could you include 2 pipes: O.R. Tobacco pouch from School Shop Repton; Black relief fountain pen; 2 ties ( if not went); 2 silk stocks blue spotted ; plenty of black Passé Par tout for framing photo’s etc; Photo cases; waistcoat; and try the Red Cross again about my CORDS as I think it is OK this end and I should be awfully glad if any could be fitted in – as they wd. Be most useful. Thank you very much ! Pipes are very important. So many thanks for parcels on the way – they wound grand. I wonder if you have heard from the De Rougemounts whether they can send me parcels from M.E.- afraid my letter to them cannot have arrived. Have bought a violin here and get plenty of playing in orchestra and plays. Will tell you more next letter write Windsor of Newtons re paints who send a special P.W. set direct. Godbless, thanks & all my love. Johnnie.