Oldfield letter: 31.8.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

SANDSEND.                                                   OLDFIELD. J.B. CAPT.
NR. WHITBY.                                                  CAMPO CONCENTRAMENTO P.G.N. 35 P.M.3400

Letter No.13 August. 31. 42.

My dearest Mum, Daddy & Jumbo, More letters to thank you for – Joy undefined! 2 from you Mum dated 5 & 8 august, 2 from Daddy July 7 Aug 5, 3 from Jumbo July 12, aug 6 and 9 and one from Mary – July 8. Making my total a splendid 12 ! Thank you so much for them, yr. news and reassuring remarks about pencils, tobacco and cigs on the way – bless you. I am really v. proud of your immediate and accurate reactions in the way of supplying what’s wanted. Afraid from what you say many of my letters have gone astray – but am numbering them all and feel sure they will turn up, they include the most intimate details of things I want wh. I will give you a few lines of the most important again – CORDUROYS, BROGUE SHOES, FISHERMAN’S JERSEY, COUPLE OF GOOD PIPES, A BLACK RELIEF fountain pen and a few more things. Probably my letters with these reqst. In arrived after you sent the parcel so don’t worry if can send them in the next one. Anyway! I know you’ll send all that I want – you always do. Yes this is the camp you read about in the Red X paper. Glad you have seen late Sgt. Watson – capital fellow and did me v. well. Have written a P.C. to the General c/o the W.O. Gildroyd is a P.O.W. definitely. My love to Mike Lacy and Bun. Please tell M. I am writing, all love to you all. Johnnie