The transcript which follows may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.
On active service
W.A.Oldfield Esq. Headquarters
Sandsend, 5th Division
Near Whitby, B.E.F
March 29. 40.
My dear Daddy,
Thank you so much for your letter telling me about your applying for a for a spot of leave – absolutely grand and I am looking forward to all more than somewhat. I have been looking up timings etc. from which I gather I shall make London about 3 o’clock on the afternoon of 6th .April. D.V. and shall set my head for home just as soon as I can. I think probably the best thing is to ring you up from London if it’s not over dear and let you know first what my plans are – where I shall arrive and when. I hope this is all in order.
Sorry to hear the potential MoH did not come up to scratch but quite after that it is essential to have someone who is either one thing or t’other. Someone who can get on with the landowners as one of them or someone like him Winspear who can get the same result. But a pseudo MoH would do as more harm than good. I hope Bob had a good suggestion when he saw you.
Please thank Mum and Jun for their letters today, I will try and get a line off to them
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to-morrow. Jean asked me to let her know in return about May and Lewis and when I would like her to come and stay. I should like to see her as much as poss. But naturally don’t want to alter any arrangements of yours – and think the latter end of leave – as Mum suggests – the best of the two.
Very late – am longing to see you all t’hounds and dogs and hope it will work out this time.
Much love
Yrs Ever