Oldfield letter: 27.7.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

NR WHITBY                                              OLDFIELD J.B. CAPT
YORKS ENGLAND                                   P.G.NO. 35 P.M.3400

Letter No. 7 July 27. 42

My Dearest Mum, Daddy and Jumbo – am hoping within the next fortnight to get a letter from you and at last a bit of news of you which I miss very much. I am well and hope you all are, including young Jeremy, as I told you last week life here is rather like school – my normal day starts at about 7-15 with a cold shower then Breakfast cooked up on a home made stove, a visit to the Barbers and then probably draw, sunbathe until lunch. In the afternoon I read or draw again and play Bridge in the evening. We occasionally have concerts and mean to study agriculture when the new course starts. The Camp is situated 2,300’ above sea level and is in fine country – the weather is fairly warm but gather it gets pretty parky in the winter. I was unable to send you all cables for your holidays on June 4 and 11 but send you my love and best wishes now. We are a little short of clothes, but some of the older inmates have lent us the odd pair of socks etc. until our own parcels come through. We do quite a bit of exercise and manage to keep pretty fit. Hope you are getting all my letters though they must bore you even more than those from the desert – please tell Frida Kenny was V. fit last time I saw him, and please get all my friends to write and (Piggy) send anything they can. Harrods are supposed to be good and are recommended. Godbless, take care of yourselves& don’t worry – All love Johnnie.