A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.
5th Division
Jan. 25th. 40.
My dear Mum, Daddy & Jum –
Thank you for your letters – it seems a long time since I last wrote but nothing very interesting seems to have happened to tell you – all the same. I expect you’re all tired of hearing of the cold and actually it’s milder to-night than it’s been for some while, though it’s still pretty cold for the trotters, and mine are – at the moment. blossoming out in chilblains in spite of fisherman’s stockings and everything else. Everywhere else I manage to keep pretty warm. Though I’m sleeping in reasonably civilized bed – I use my flea – bag and it makes all the difference.
As I say absolutely damn all has happened since I last wrote – except last night we went to see – officially the
[Page 2] Gala performance of “ The Lion has Wings” – French version, which in parts is slightly different from the English, and so I was glad I’d seen it in England before I left. There was lots of flag – wagging and national antheming and very Entente Cordiale. It was really a very good show and we thoroughly enjoyed it, except for an incredibly bad short flick about The Seaforths, in which they had a bevvy of chorus girls dressed up in uniform mounting the Guard at the Palace, and wasn’t really a very good thing to show a lot of Generals.
You say in your letter Daddy that Bill Ansell is giving up, that doesn’t mean the pack won’t carry on, will it ? It’s very disappointing all this frost and snow stopping hunting – particularly wh. they were showing such good sport.
I heard from Peter to – day who seems a bit browned off after having a very good leave – he’s a good
[Page 3] distance from here but we’re trying to fix up a quiet celebration sometime soon. I hope we shall be able to find something to celebrate by then.
Cameron is very pleased with his socks and makes quite a good servant, honest as the day but a bit on the simple side he throws one imperial blind per month, and I never see him for about 24 hours. and then up he pops. We don’t refer to it at all ! as he never touches a drop for the other 27 days and is really very good. Pluf Macbeth is still as very fatherly and confidential ; they’re queer old fellows.
Well, dears, it’s getting late and high time I was abed. Do write when you can –
All Love,
Yours Ever