Oldfield letter: 21.9.41

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

1997-37-7-4-14 No 17
‘’C’’ Company.
5th Btn. The Green Howards
c/o Middle East Force.
September. 21.41.

My dear Mum and Daddy –
It was grand to have more of yr. letters and news when I got in from work yesterday – 3 airmail cards dated 8,10, and 21st . August: 1 airgraph from mum dated 24 August: and a letter with two of Jeans enclosed dated 6th July. 41. So evidently airgraphs are the quickest and I feel sure air-letter or card is quite the surest and safest way of getting them over – ordinary mail though it’s nice and long – ——— a terrible time to come ——— – when it does get through.
2, I wonder if airgraph is still better than this (from this end) – the only thing is you can get more on this. I do hope you are getting all my letters – I’ve started keeping a book of incoming and outgoing mail just so that I can check up !
Well dears, it’s grand to hear that you are doing so well and the Bunnies and litter have sold so well; I wonder how the ‘cavies’ are doing and the goat as I know you must have got one by now !
I have heard from Jumbo about her Bun – official – and am terribly pleased – I hope it wont be too long before I see it but I’m afraid the prospect of getting back for the Christening is a forlorn hope ! I hope too it will be a boy – he should be a good’un and I shall be very proud to have a nephew and Godson or niece of course, as far as that goes ! it’s ——
3, we are having a few chaps in for drinks – ‘’an open leut’’ – this evening and then all going on to see a flick in the local Big House – wh. Will be quite fun.
I still haven’t run across Ken yet – I hope he’s settling down alright and liking it.
How grand seeing Lol again – I am so please he is looking well – It wd seem like old times to have him with you and meet the Winters.
You did well Daddy to collect £60 at the Castle – though you mustn’t do Gussy the bun boy out of his job !! everyone V. pleased to hear about P.V. Guy.
Godbless you both,
My love to you,

J. B. Oldfield

R’s box . – was the only suitable Container for the bread so keep it & I’ll collect it when I come on back – about which nothing definite is known yet.