Oldfield letter: 20.4.42

The transcript which follows may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.


Mrs V.E.Oldfield                              Capt.JB. Oldfield
Sandsend,                                       “C” Company
Near Whitby                                    5. Green Howards
Yorks ENGLAND                             M.E.F.

April. 20. 42.

My dear Mum,
Thank you darling so much for the parcel of cakes and pipes which arrived thanks to your careful packing. In perfect condition – really the cakes are simply delicious and I toasted you with the family Christmas cake the day it and like you wished that it wouldn’t be long before I was back home with you all again. The pipes are grand and shouldn’t break and the No-name too is a real luxury, not to mention all the chocs,

[page 2]

toothpaste and toffees – lovely mum it is sweet of you to send me so much, but I do appreciate it. I sent you a cable to let you know the parcel had arrived and also all of your letters which were very welcome after having missed them for about five weeks. It was so nice to know you were all well, that Derry was still in England and may not gone to America yet, to hear that you and daddy have had plenty of visits from the family and young Jeremy beginning to talk. How I want to see you all again – just a year ago this week I believe since we sailed, how long ahead I wonder before we sail back again ? We have nothing to grumble about though and we shall get through this year to finish it next – I feel sure.

La Verité sounds a lovely mare and providing you can manage to keep her I’ll come back and win everything with her, shall I ? It will be fun. I did some more racing yesterday and did quite well in a modest way, though I think next weekend will be my last before going back to the regt. I said in my cable that it would be best for you to write again to the Bn. Address. Again darling thank you very much for another wizard parcel. Take care of yourself
My love
