A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.
Mrs V.E. Oldfield,
Sandsend, Capt JB. Oldfield,
Near Whitby, “C” Company
Yorks, 5th Bn. The Green Howards
ENGLAND Middle East Forces
No. 44
February: 20 : 42.
My dear Mum and Daddy,
Yesterday – after quite an interval of no mail – I had yr. airgraph dated 10 Jan 42, and hope since it was written you have had some of the many letters I’ve written. Though I seem to think I have heard from you later saying you have had a letter, mail must be bad both ways, as there seems a close season for it with us too – however the odd letter gets through and I’m sure they’ll soon all be coming through. Actually there is a mail in now so am hoping to get a letter or two by it.
[page 2] Though well up we are still in a state of suspended animation, and feeling quite capable of looking after any developments – in fact are hoping for some, the wireless is very accurate and remarkably up to date. We have plenty of work to do and the time seems to go very quickly. I’ve a good Company and no worries about them – altogether it’s good fun and very interesting. We’ve got the legs of him this time.
I have a Sgt. Commanding one of my Pls, and have just discovered he is Storry’s nephew- the tailor at Scarborough – and remembers Jean in the shop. Funny, isn’t it ?
I hope by now you have had some news of Richard, I’m glad Biddy has such a good job, amongst other things it will keep her mind occu(removed by censor)
[page 3] Many thanks for her address, I will write to her again as soon as I can.
The country up here is not quite the desert we knew further back, much more green and sometimes you can imagine you are on the Moors but not for long. There are even flowers and my batman has put some on my table this evening, the first nice smell I’ve had for months !
At last I look like seeing Ken Winter – as he is coming to join us so will let you know how he is. Will write again soon – until then look after yourselves and Godbless,
My love to you,
My love to the family and young Jeremy