A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.
No 24. Capt. J.B.Oldfield
Mrs V.E.Oldfield
Nr.Whitby Yorks “C” Company
5th Bn.The Green Howards
Nov.18th 41.
Me dear Mum and Daddy.
Just another line to thank you for your airgraphs – your mail has come through wonderfully well and just at the moments I seem to be collecting something every two or three days. Which while it lasts is grand. I cannot understand why you haven’t hear from me for some time – I have written each week except for one fortnight when I couldn’t manage it, and jumbo too – as soon as I heard about the Bun – I wrote by every means – airgraph and letter card, telling her how
2, thrilled I was and how delighted I should be to be Godfather – I am very proud and am very anxious to know what it is – I mean boy or girl ? So I do hope she has heard by now – surely she must have done.
Last Sunday – I took a quick load down to the Fort to have a look at the old hunting grounds and take some snaps of them, I collected a C.S.M. and P.S M. of the 4th Bn – who were in my Pe. There and also our R.S.M. who was with the 1st. and we had a great day – and went over every scheme we ever did in minute detail. Incidentally – my frieze I did on the wall of the officers’ mess in the Fort has still survived – and I took a snap but doubt whether it will come out as the
3. light was so bad.
So sorry to hear your sciatica is bothering you mum and hope by the time you get this – it will be better. Do take care of yourself and go gently.
Very interested to hear Richard has got a ship – he will be very pleased, and M. has been expecting it so it will not be so hard, though she will not like it much, I’m afraid. Glad too Derry did so well on his course – mine starts in February.
Got a cable from Oldfield – Rochester thanking me for a parcel – wh. I hope is the silk stockings, but wonder about the Rochesters. Will write again very soon – Till then Godbless and love to you both,
Yours ever,
Xx Johnnie
J.B Oldfield
the latest – Please send on “the round” for all to see. D