Oldfield letter 16.11.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

SANDSEND.                                                                     OLDFIELD
NR. WHITBY.                                                                    JOHN BRITON
YORKS ENGLAND.                                                            CAPTAIN
Letter no. 23.                                                                   16 Nov. 42.

My dearest Mum, daddy & Jumbo – Many thanks for yr. letters o’snaps of the you ‘un on his ‘oss scoffing his ale – simply topping of you both. Photographs come though as quickly as letters, so please send some more of you all, I liked yr. story of the ruptured camel Daddy – v. clever. Yr. cable date Aug 16 arrived Nov. 15 for wh. many thanks. Had a letter this week from Frank de Rougemount – I have written three times to thank him but they don’t seem to have arrived. I wonder if you could write and ask them to send me my suit of service dress which I left with them for cleaning – yr. letters to them are much quicker and more certain than mine.

By the way, don’t be afraid that you are writing too much – you aren’t – one letter per person (censored) the form and welcome they are. Hope by now (censored) you are arriving – I have written each week – and you have some sort of idea of my wants, Corduroys are allowed – Paints though Windsor & Newton – 2 pipes – 1 furlined bedroom slippers – balaclava helmet – Black Passé Par tout – Collars – hankies – stocks etc. The many coloured rug sounds magnificent and am v. much looking forward to it. As yet no parcels have arrived but I am “expecting”! This was not meant to be a “Gimme” letter but to send you all my love & best wishes for xmas and New Year – Next year I mean to be with you- Johnnie