A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.
Mrs V.E. Oldfield,
Sandsend, Capt. JB, Oldfield
Near Whitby, “C” Company,
YORKS. 5th. Bn. The Green Howards.
ENGLAND Middle East Forces.
Feb. 14. 42.
My dear Mum and Daddy,
Very please to have yr. two airgraphs yesterday dated 15 and 18 Jan so all things considered they came through very quickly. Also to know you have had a letter from me – but No. 29 is way back – surely you have had something more recent than that, haven’t you ? This is No. 42 and they have been written fairly regularly every week so you may get a big pile all at once.
We are still in the same place and are very comfortable, we get a lot of patrolling to do and the odd excitement to stop
[Page 2] us from getting too bored. At the moment everything is extremely gentlemanly – altogether good fun, and it’s surprising one can be up where we are and yet be so snug. However, as I say we can’t grumble, we get almost everything, mail is not too good but I keep getting your airgraphs every now and again so that’s alright. Water is much better than it was wh. is a good thing as it is beginning to get a bit warmer and one needs it more. The wireless is a godsend and we like listening to our own bit of news as well as the other. I have never felt better and am really enjoying myself so never worry about me as I shall always be alright. Though like everyone else I long to be home and see you all again – but that day will come. Anyway the time goes much quicker like [censored] then doing nothing [censored]
[page 3] I haven’t had the parcel with the baccy and pipes yet nor the Xmas Parcel but I feel sure they will be coming soon. I had a parcel of No.200 Players from Cynthia yesterday wh. she posted to arrive at Christmas so all parcels must be very late. I hope Biddy and Jean get home together – you will all love that and wish I might be there to complete the family but am not quite so handy! I will let you know as soon as I get the cakes Mum and how they travel.
There is a lot I should like to tell you wh. I can’t, but I hope you have guessed where I am and hope Rommell hasn’t!
My best love to you and look after yourselves,
The blotches are our first rain for months.