Oldfield letter: 11.7.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

SANDSEND                                         OLDFIELD J.B. CAPT
NR. WHITBY                                        P.G. 35 PM. 3400

Letter No.5. 11. 7. 42.

My dearest Mum, daddy & Jumbo, have just arrived at permanent camp and busy settling down. Appears to be very comfortable and have met several people I know – mostly Sandhurst and O.Rs, and so the time should not hang too heavily. Within an hour of arriving we received our first Red Cross Parcel and had an imperial dormitory feast and felt very ill after it. The camp is well organized and there are several who have been in the bag sometime and have got things running excellently. As far as I can make out you are allowed to send one uniform parcel containing ordinary uniform with corduroy bags, as soon as you like and another clothing parcel every 3 or 4 months containing underclothes, sweaters, scarves, toilet etc. I understand you cannot send food but am not sure. Cigarettes and tobacco are the one apparent lack here and I know there are no restrictions as to what you are allowed to send in the way of purely tobacco parcels. So I really wd. Be grateful if you would send as many as often as you possibly can bought out of my accounts. The red Cross will put you right, and I believe Harrods and the Army & Navy have an arrangement. By the way could you include my heavy brogue shoes in one parcel. Please forgive my scrounging letters – longing for news – very fit, all love Johnnie