Medals awarded
- Distinguished Conduct Medal
- Crimea Medal
Clasp: Alma
Clasp: Inkerman
Clasp: Sebastopol - Turkish Crimea Medal
Medals are shown left to right, as per the bullet point list above.
Ireland was a prime recruiting ground for the British army in the 1800s, one recruit being Patrick Campion who enlisted with the 19th Foot in 1838.
During Patrick’s time with the Regiment (1838-1860) he served in Malta, the Ionian Islands, the West Indies, Canada, the Crimea and India in addition to periods of service at home.
When the Regiment landed in the Crimea in September 1854 Patrick had reached the rank of Colour-Sergeant. The same month Patrick received his Distinguished Conduct Medal at the Battle of the Alma; his obituary in 1899 citing ‘for his gallant rescue, in company with a couple of his comrades, of a wounded officer of his own company, who was lying in front of the Russian lines.’ Patrick also received an annuity of £20 for his brave actions (about £2300 today).
Despite being wounded in October 1854, Patrick recovered well enough to see action at Inkerman, and in 1855 the storming of the Redan and the attack on the Quarries as part of the siege of Sevastapol.
By the time he and the regiment returned to England in 1856 he had been promoted to Sergeant-Major of the Battalion.
In addition to Patrick’s DCM he received the Crimea and Turkish Crimea medals.
The reverse of his Turkish Crimea medal reads ‘La Crimea 1855’ meaning it was originally forged to be awarded to soldiers from the Piedmont-Sardinian army who fought alongside the French and British allies.
One of the ships carrying medals intended for British troops sank which led to some of them being presented with this alternative version of the award.