Norman Swan

Medals awarded

  • India Medal 1895-1902
    Clasp: Punjab 1897-8
  • 1914-15 Star
  • British War Medal 1914-20
  • Victory Medal 1914-19
  • Legion D’Honneur (France)
  • Medal and Star Commander of the Order of Avis (Portugal)
  • Medal and Star Commander of the Order of Cristo Star (Portugal)

Medals are shown left to right, as per the bullet point list above.

Born in 1876, Norman Edward Swan initially joined 3rd Battalion Durham Light Infantry before joining the  Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment) in 1897.

He served in the Tirah Expedition of 1897-8 on the North-West Frontier of India.

In the First World War, as Brigade Major to the 163rd Brigade, Swan took part in the 1915 landing at Suvla Bay and was present at the attack and capture of Anafarta. He was severely wounded whilst making a reconnaissance with a view to advancing the line. This ended his fighting career.

He served in Egypt on the Staff and also with the 21st Corps in Palestine. Later he was appointed to the Staff of the British Military Mission, Portugal, October 1918 to May 1919, latterly acting as military attaché – a position described as ‘most difficult and trying’.

In May 1919 Lieutenant-Colonel N E Swan was posted to command the Depot; he was tasked with dealing with the demobilization of officers and other ranks, the repatriation of prisoners-of-war, and the return of a large number of Regular Officers who had been employed with various other units.

In May 1923 he took over command of 2nd Battalion, but left the army when the battalion went to be stationed in Jamaica.

Swan died in 1933. A fellow officer concluded he was ‘an example of determination, sportsmanship, unfailing good humour, hospitality and duty well and unostentatiously performed’.