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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac lorem rutrum, mollis eros ultricies, semper risus. Sed viverra sapien quis lorem cursus faucibus. Nulla sed posuere lectus. Quisque congue scelerisque ante id feugiat. Nullam dictum mauris id erat scelerisque tempus. Etiam pellentesque imperdiet ipsum luctus imperdiet. Donec sed fermentum neque.

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Duis ut facilisis sem. Aliquam congue, ante in ullamcorper faucibus, tellus lorem mollis dolor, vitae blandit massa elit a dui. Proin quis fermentum nisi. Vestibulum imperdiet molestie sapien, non imperdiet sapien ullamcorper non. Mauris ut orci ac purus dignissim bibendum. In scelerisque urna nisl, porttitor fermentum nisl ullamcorper dictum. Nulla sit amet lectus semper, elementum elit eget, rhoncus metus.

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Quisque lacus magna, dictum vel cursus ac, semper nec justo. Integer at nisi fringilla, tincidunt est et, ultrices massa. Nam rutrum laoreet tellus, id volutpat urna tempor ut. Vivamus viverra leo sed rhoncus aliquet. Nullam nunc risus, dignissim eget vehicula in, faucibus eu odio. Curabitur posuere neque ut tortor viverra, at tincidunt eros vehicula. Sed eu tempor orci, consequat fringilla enim. Quisque nec vestibulum libero, at cursus dolor.

Mauris accumsan fermentum lectus et vulputate. Sed vitae nulla tincidunt, lacinia tellus sit amet, porttitor quam. In faucibus purus nec diam ornare mattis. Sed erat odio, fermentum ac lobortis et, hendrerit faucibus libero. Sed facilisis malesuada orci. Aliquam vitae orci hendrerit, sollicitudin nisi a, lobortis massa. Sed gravida odio eu posuere sagittis.


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Aliquam iaculis eros rhoncus lacus vehicula, sit amet semper ante tempus. Ut viverra tempor dolor in bibendum. Cras malesuada nisl id ultrices convallis. Morbi rhoncus in nisl eget viverra. Integer pulvinar ligula id nulla facilisis tristique. Nulla sit amet nisi leo. Proin lorem erat, iaculis sit amet sagittis in, semper et purus. Phasellus pretium lobortis dui. Vestibulum lobortis, nulla aliquam porttitor convallis, sem diam scelerisque ante, in ullamcorper ante lectus a augue. Donec vitae velit vel ligula ornare finibus et vel odio.

Mauris dapibus massa enim, eget dapibus velit iaculis sed. Sed vulputate purus quis libero fringilla, at pharetra velit luctus. Fusce vehicula nunc et diam aliquam malesuada eget eu nisi. Integer semper sapien metus, eget malesuada lacus fermentum ut. Suspendisse vulputate, dolor et ornare blandit, leo neque suscipit ante, et porttitor felis dui nec arcu. Duis ultrices elit non justo facilisis elementum. Pellentesque sit amet odio dapibus, maximus lectus in, hendrerit augue. Nam elementum finibus velit vitae bibendum. Vestibulum congue magna eu egestas malesuada.

“Nulla sit amet nisi leo. Proin lorem erat, iaculis sit amet sagittis in, semper et purus. Phasellus pretium lobortis dui. Vestibulum lobortis, nulla aliquam porttitor convallis, sem diam scelerisque ante”

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On board with Stanley Harrison: an eyewitness account of the Dundee mutiny

Read a full transcript of Stanley Harrison’s diary here.

Read the transcript

A story of the Murmansk Coast

With true British spirit officers and men are volunteering in considerable numbers for the relief expedition to Russia. The advance guards have already left this country, and the main force is expected to leave in the first weeks of May.

Oh, I thought that I was finished with
The battle and bloody strife,
Safe ‘ere at ’ome,
No more to roam
From the kiddies to and the wife;
And I’d ‘ung me old tin chappo up,
Wot I wore with the Fusiliers,
When I jumps up spry,
For I ‘ears a cry:
“We’re a-wantin’ some volunteers!”

“We’re a-wantin’ some volunteers, me lad,
To sail to the Murmansk coast,
Where them Bolshy cads
‘Ave got out lads
On most pertickler toast-
Lads ‘olding on by their eyebrows, ‘ard,
As perky as chanticleers,
But they’re being pressed-
It’s a toughish test-
It’s up to you volunteers!”

Now wot they’re doing amid the ice
In that Gawd-forsaken spot
I cannot say,
But, anyway,
To argey about it ‘s rot.
I only know that our comrades true
Are there in them damned glaciers
Exchanging licks
With the Bolsheviks,
So- way for the volunteers!

Yer see, them blighters wot politish
Fer a living, ‘ave I should guess
(Oh, clever chaps
They are- per’aps!),
Got things in an ‘ellish mess-
A rotten, dirty muddle, and so
They ‘owl fit to split yer ears:
“Things aren’t going well
At Archangel,
‘Elp us out, O volunteers!”

If the British force in them icy parts
Was made up of statesmen great,
Or of White’all toffs
With their sneers and scoffs-
Just ‘ark wot I’m telling you, mate!
I’d let ‘em stew in their blinkin’ juice,
And get theirselves out, me dears,
For the ‘ole shebang
Might all go ‘ang
And whistle fer volunteers!

But d’ye see, they’re not, they are decent lads,
Wot’s doing their duty true
On their scanty pay,
And they must obey
Wotever they’re told to do.
And it’s not their fault they are in an ‘ole-
It’s a deepish one, I ‘ears;
So don’t let’s lag,
Or chew the rag,
But get on with it, volunteers!

‘T will be nip-and-tuck, fer them Bolsheviks
Is making a push, they say,
To get there first
With their ‘ordes accurst
Afore we arrive in May;
But I’m backing the British Army’s luck-
We’ve ‘ad some these last five years!-
That the lads ‘ll ‘old out
With courage stout
Till they’re ‘elped by us volunteers!

So hey! Fer a wallop fer Mister Bolsh-
One straight in ‘is o.p. eye:
While ‘e’s on the ropes
Ironside, I ‘opes,
Won’t scruple to do a guy.
Fer we’re all fed up with fighting now-
‘Ad enough to last fer ‘ears,
So it’s hey! fer Peace,
And may warfare cease,
Is the view of us volunteers!