Education Accolade

A partnership created as a part of The Green Howards Museum’s redevelopment has received official recognition – a Sandford Award.

 Richmond Cultural Education Partnership (RCEP), which brings together the museum, The Georgian Theatre Royal and The Station, offers children the chance to learn about specific periods of history – within a relevant local setting.

A range of sessions have also been developed which can be booked by schools to hold at their own locations, but it was the unique way of using a variety of venues around the town to give pupils a better feel for the period of history being studied that was under scrutiny.

SA_blue_box_winner 2015The Sandford Award is an independently judged, quality assured assessment of education programmes at heritage sites, museums, archives and collections across the British Isles.

Thea Treweek, a member of The Station team, collected the Award on behalf of the partnership at a ceremony held in London at The British Transport Museum on Friday 4 December.

“What we offer here in Richmond is true partnership working across the three organisations,” explained the partnership’s Education Manager Liam Beeton. “ We wanted to show the judges that our ability to give children a great educational experience in the context of various vibrant town settings is something special, helps their learning make sense, and is worthy of recognition.”

Sandford Award judge, Don Henson, a university lecturer and heritage education expert, spent the day with pupils from Arkengarthdale School, observing sessions at each of the RCEP locations.

In granting the accreditation, the judging panel reported …

“The experience for children at each of these sites is very different, yet equally special.

The work done by the partnership is of a very high standard, capable of enthralling and informing. What children receive is an experience rich in textures and imagination.

It gives them an opportunity to make contact with the personalities and people of the past, as well as their buildings and objects.”

Schools wanting to find out more about Richmond Cultural Education Partnership should contact The Green Howards Museum on  01748 826561 or visit the learning webpages for details of workshops and sessions.