Oldfield letter 24.11.42

A note on the letters. The transcripts may include abbreviations or spelling inconsistencies and errors. We have chosen to transcribe the letters as they appear so that they are an accurate reflection of John Oldfield’s style and personality. We have also included his original page numbering. Where language is used that we would deem offensive, those words have been replaced with XXX.

c/o W. A. OLDFIELD. ESQ.                                                                 J.P. OLDFIELD
SANDSEND. NR. WHITBY                                                                 JOHN BRITAN
YORKS ENGLAND                                                                             CAPT
Nov. 24. 42

Dearest M. a line to wish you a v. happy Christmas & New Year! I hope you have good news of Richard. So pleased you like yr. new job. As you know my mail is rationed but expect you will get all my news – I say “all” – sent on from home. Am fit and well so cannot grumble. I hear great reports of young Jeremy. Godbless, and love to you, Johnnie