NEW resources

A new online platform has been launched, giving access to archives held in regimental museums across the UK, including ours.

The Ogilby Muster (TOM) contains documents, photographs, letters, diaries and more, all related to the British Army and the men and women who served. With more than 75 participating collections, and more set to join in 2022, TOM will eventually hold over 2 million items, including some never-before-seen material covering the period 1900 to 1929.

The Ogilby Muster is an Army Museums Ogilby Trust (AMOT) project. It’s been a 4-year programme to create the platform, funded by a LIBOR grant from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

“We’ve been given a wonderful key to unlock history. As historians this is an invaluable gift, and as family members researching their beloved lost relatives, it is equally as important,” commented The Hon. Mrs Katherine Swinfen Eady, Trustee of the Army Museums Ogilby Trust. “TOM allows us to build up that wonderful pattern of a jigsaw and find the missing fragments of information. It is especially important as it will help us all further our knowledge and understanding of not just the military side of the First World War, but the social aspect of an event in history that affected and shaped this country and the world.”

As members of AMOT, we have contributed our regimental Gazettes, April 1899 to March 1930. These are available for you to view online.

“The Green Howards Gazettes give a great insight into life in the regiment during the First World War,” explains Museum Director, Lynda Powell. Whether you’re a military historian, researching your family tree or just generally interested in history there is something to found in this small snapshot from our archive collection.”

TOM is an essential tool for anyone interested in military, social or family history. You can use it to explore material which is held in AMOT member museums across the UK.

Click the TOM icon below to access the site

external link to The Ogilby Muster

About The Army Museums Ogilby Trust

The Army Museums Ogilby Trust exists to represent, support and promote the regimental and corps museums of the British Army. Founded in 1954 by Colonel Robert Ogilby DSO DL, the network is made up of more than 140 Army museums and collections.

As a member of AMOT, museums are able to access funding, training and events. AMOT provides specialist advice on governance, collections, audience and research, as well as representing army museums to the wider heritage sector and organisations such as the Ministry of Defence and Charity Commission.